Rate of Last Resort Energy Price Setting Plans

The rate of last resort (RoLR) providers (Direct Energy, ENMAX Energy Corporation, and EPCOR Energy) have reached a negotiated settlement with the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) for the 2025 Energy Price Setting Plan in proceeding 29204. 

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AESO Stakeholder Symposium

On June 27, the AESO hosted an inaugural symposium aimed at briefing stakeholders on the major challenges and initiatives the AESO is currently prioritizing. 

The overarching theme of the day’s discussion is that the Alberta electric grid is changing. Wind and solar capacity is growing rapidly (capacity is expected to more than double from 2021 levels by 2025).  Battery storage is coming online and there is an expectation that policies aimed at decarbonizing the grid will continue. Additionally, there is potential for even more change as demand side management evolves.   These changes already pose challenges for system reliability, and the AESO expects that more work will need to be done to enhance reliability as well as address market structure challenges. 

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EQUS REA Versus The AUC – Court of Appeal Decision

The Alberta Court of Appeal has issued a Decision (2023abca142) denying an appeal by Equs REA and Fortis Alberta of a 2021 AUC Decision on FortisAlberta’s Phase II application.

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Residential Standards of Service and Maximum Investment Levels – Evidence

Evidence has been submitted in the AUC proceeding (ID 27658) on Residential Standards of Service and Maximum Investment Levels (MIL). Recall that the scope of the proceeding includes consideration of who should receive the investment for streetlights (municipalities or developers). 

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Distribution Exemption Application

ATCO Electric and Sustaintech have submitted Evidence and IRs in the proceeding on Sustaintech’s application for distribution exemption (ID 27633).

Readers will recall from a previous update that Sustainitech and ARC enterprises (together, SACO) are applying for a distribution exemption under the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (HEEA) which would allow a gas processing plant to supply energy to an adjacent site without qualifying as a distribution system.

ATCO electric intervened in the proceeding raising concerns about the application’s compatibility with the Electric Utilities Act (EUA), specifically the requirement that persons using electricity obtain that service from the distribution company in whose service area they are located (Sec, 101)ATCO subsequently submitted intervener evidence and responded to information requests.

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FortisAlberta EV Charging Pilot Project

On January 16, FortisAlberta launched an Electric Vehicle Charging pilot project.  Fortis is looking to sign up to 600 vehicles throughout its service territory. Initially the project will simply gather data on how and when EV owners charge their vehicles. Latter stages will include managed charging.

FortisAlberta included costs associated with this, and other demand side management pilot projects, in their 2023 Cost Rebasing Application. In Decision 26615-D01-2022, the Commission approved the pilot project, but asked for additional information, included specific goals and measurable key performance indicators.

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Distribution Exemption Application

In AUC proceeding 27633, two companies, Sustainitech and ARC Enterprises, are applying for a distribution exemption under the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (HEEA) which would allow a gas processing plant to supply energy to an adjacent site without qualifying as a distribution system.

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CCA Cost Claim Review & Variances

Recently, the CCA has had substantial cost claims denied in two cost-of-service proceedings. In both cases, the CCA applied for leave to review and vary the original cost claim decision.

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AESO Adjusted Metering Practice Implementation Plan

The AESO, as well as various distribution connected generators have submitted argument and reply argument as part of the AUC hearing (proceeding 27047) on the AESO’s Adjusted Metering Practice (AMP) implementation plan. 

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