Expedited Approval of Interim Market Power Mitigation Rules

In proceeding 29093 market participants submit arguments and reply arguments in support of their request to the Alberta Utilities Commission (The Commission or AUC) that the AUC not approve Section 206.2 of the new Rules and direct the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to amend this section.

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ENMAX General Tariff Application 2026-2028

In Proceeding 29255, Enmax Power Corporation (EPC or ENMAX) is applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the AUC or Commission) for approval of its Transmission General Tariff Application (GTA) for 2026-2028. EPC’s forecast revenue requirements for the Test Period are $181.9 million for 2026, $195.4 million for 2027, and $208.3 million for 2028.

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Phase 2 of ATCO PBR Re-Opener

In proceeding 29064, ATCO Gas and ATCO electric (collectively referred to as ATCO) request to file fact evidence as part of the phase 2 PBR re-opener for the second-generation PBR (PBR2). The Commission issues a decision on this request and sets out the next process steps and dates for the proceeding.

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Reconsideration of DFO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy

In proceeding 29006 on the AESO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy (CIAC), an Agreed Statement of Facts and Law has been prepared and agreed to by the parties. The purpose is to assist in identifying the issues that will be considered within the proceeding.

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AESO Rate DOS Application – AUC Decision

In Proceeding 28989, The Alberta Utilities Commission (The Commission or AUC) approved the Alberta Electric System Operator’s (AESO) application to update its Rate Demand Opportunity Service (DOS), with reasons to follow.

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AESO Rate DOS Application – IR Responses and Decision

In Proceeding 28989, The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) responds to information requests (IR’s) filed by intervenors and the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission or AUC) regarding its application to update its Rate Demand Opportunity Service (DOS). With these updates, the AESO aims to make the Rate DOS technology agnostic, simpler, and easier to administer.

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EPCOR 2024-2025 Energy Price Setting Plan Decision

In proceeding 28717 the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) approves EPCOR Energy Alberta GP (EPCOR) 2024-2025 energy price setting plan (EPSP) with one deviation from their original application. That being the change of other risk compensation requested by EPCOR from $0.04 MWh to $0.02 MWh. The Commission also directed the filing of an executed backstop agreement with attachment, once completed.

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ENMAX Terms and Conditions Amendment Application

In proceeding 29065 ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX) proposes revisions to its Distribution Tariff Customer Terms and Conditions, Distribution Tariff Retailer Terms and conditions, and Distribution Tariff Terms and Conditions Fee Schedule (together, T&C). The revisions proposed are to ENMAX’s current T&C that were approved in Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) in Decision 28575-D02-2024.

ENMAX is requesting amendments to the following areas of their T&C’s:

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Enforcement proceeding of ESS power plant.

In proceeding 28170 the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) approved a Settlement Agreement between the Alberta Utilities Commission Enforcement staff and Energy Sustain Service Ltd. (ESS). The settlement is in relation to the operation of a power plant by ESS without the required approval from the Commission. As is contained in the settlement, the Commission imposed a penalty on ESS of $10,000.00 for this contravention. [1]

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Decision on review of 2018-2022 Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) for ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric

In proceeding 28300, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) determined that it will reopen the 2018-2022 PBR term (PBR2) of ATCO Gas and ATCO electric (collectively referred to as ATCO). The Commission found specifically within the years of 2021 and 2022 the PBR plan did not operate as intended. This created rates that were not just and reasonable within those years for consumers along with rates of return achieved by ATCO that exceeded the approved amount. The Commission will therefore reopen PBR2 but will only focus on 2021 and 2022. [1]

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