Distribution System Inquiry AUC Final Report

The Commission released its final report on the distribution system inquiry addressing the complexity surrounding the integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) into Alberta’s electric distribution system. DERs are defined as any technology connected to the distribution grid that affects the supply, demand, or storage of electricity.

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The University of Calgary’s Duplication Avoidance Tariff Application

The University of Calgary (University) indicates it has identified an opportunity to reconfigure and upgrade its existing power cables to bypass portions of the Enmax Power Corporation’s (EPC) electric distribution system and reduce tariff charges.  

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Examination of the Current ISO Tariff Customer Contribution Policy

The Commission has initiated a generic proceeding on the current AESO contribution policy to determine whether a contribution should be included in the distribution facility owner’s (DFO) or transmission facility owner’s (TFO) rate base.

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Decision on the Review and Variance of AltaLink’s Contribution Policy Proposal

The Commission has rescinded its earlier approval of AltaLink’s contribution policy proposal regarding customer contributions in aid of construction paid by the DFO (Fortis) to the TFO (AltaLink).[1]

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Decision on Complaint Against Village of Wabamun

On June 23, 2020, the Commission released a ruling regarding the complaint raised by Mr. Teik Tan against the Village of Wabamun (Wabamun) alleging that Wabamun was discriminatory in charging rates. Readers may recall previous industry updates discussing this matter.[1]

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AUC Process Changes to Rate Proceedings from Bulletin 2020-33

In the interests of improving regulatory efficiency and as per the 2019-2022 strategic plan, the AUC established an independent expert committee known as the AUC Procedures and Processes Review Committee (the Committee) to make rate proceedings more efficient. The Committee released a report on August 14, 2020 which details specific recommendations focused on the hearing and pre-hearing processes, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the Commission and intervening parties.

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Decision on R&V of ATCO Electric’s 2018-2019 Transmission GTA

The Alberta Utilities Commission has decided to vary its original ruling in Decision 22742-D01-2019 on ATCO’s Kearl Line relocation costs and ATCO Park Head Office Rent costs (as per Decision 25282-D01-2020).

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AUC Denies CCA’s Request for Extensions to Deadlines

The AUC released a letter in Proceeding 24375 (ATCO Electric Transmission Application for Disposal of 2015-2017 Transmission Deferral Accounts and Annual Filing for Adjustment Balances) directed towards the Consumer’s Coalition of Alberta (CCA) regarding more efficient regulatory practices.

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