Fortis – Battle River Power Asset Transfer Compensation Decision

In proceeding 28358, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding compensation for site transfers between FortisAlberta Inc. (Fortis) and the rural electrification association (REA) Battle River Power Coop REA Ltd. (Battle River Power).

Over five years ago, several municipalities with which Fortis has a franchise agreement, annexed land that overlapped with existing REA service areas. Fortis requested that the REA areas be altered to align with its municipal franchise agreements. In Decision 22164-D01-2018, the Commission granted Fortis’s request contingent on there being a municipal bylaw requiring customers in the annexed area to connect to Fortis. Since then, many successful transfers have taken place between REAs and Fortis. However, a transfer of 50 sites remained outstanding for which Forts and Battle River Power could not come to an agreement.[1]

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