Restructured Energy Market

The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has held 6 sprint sessions as part of their multi-phase engagement with industry stakeholders on the new energy market design.

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Rate of Last Resort Energy Price Setting Plans

The rate of last resort (RoLR) providers (Direct Energy, ENMAX Energy Corporation, and EPCOR Energy) have reached a negotiated settlement with the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) for the 2025 Energy Price Setting Plan in proceeding 29204. 

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Expedited Approval of Interim Market Power Mitigation Rules

In proceeding 29093 market participants submit arguments and reply arguments in support of their request to the Alberta Utilities Commission (The Commission or AUC) that the AUC not approve Section 206.2 of the new Rules and direct the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to amend this section.

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ENMAX General Tariff Application 2026-2028

In Proceeding 29255, Enmax Power Corporation (EPC or ENMAX) is applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the AUC or Commission) for approval of its Transmission General Tariff Application (GTA) for 2026-2028. EPC’s forecast revenue requirements for the Test Period are $181.9 million for 2026, $195.4 million for 2027, and $208.3 million for 2028.

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Phase 2 of ATCO PBR Re-Opener

In proceeding 29064, ATCO Gas and ATCO electric (collectively referred to as ATCO) request to file fact evidence as part of the phase 2 PBR re-opener for the second-generation PBR (PBR2). The Commission issues a decision on this request and sets out the next process steps and dates for the proceeding.

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Reconsideration of DFO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy

In proceeding 29006 on the AESO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy (CIAC), an Agreed Statement of Facts and Law has been prepared and agreed to by the parties. The purpose is to assist in identifying the issues that will be considered within the proceeding.

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AltaLink’s Destroyed Assets Treatment Decision

In proceeding 28750, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) recover repair, replacement, and salvage expenses related to its transmission facilities that were destroyed in the 2023 spring wildfire and snow events that occurred after AltaLink filed its 2024-2025 general tariff application (GTA). AltaLink made a request to capitalize $18.5 million spent on repairing and replacing damaged assets and destroyed assets and to include $6.2 million in salvage expenditures in its GTA.[1]

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The Commission 2023-2024 Report Card

On July 30, 2024, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) released its 2023-2024 Report Card to share its progress toward meeting strategic initiatives. Some highlights of this report include the Commission’s efficiency metrics in limiting regulatory burdens; how the Commission is facilitating change in the sector; and the Commission’s initial implementation of artificial intelligence and its expansion of student programs.[1]

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Decision on ATCO’s Review and Variance Application on Reopening is 2018-2022 PBR Plan

In proceeding 29106, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) denies an application by ATCO Electric and ATCO Gas (ATCO) for a review and variance of Decision 28300-D01-2024. In the original decision, the Commission decided to reopen ATCO’s 2018-2022 performance-based regulation (PBR) plan to examine the reasonability of ATCO’s 2021 and 2022 rate of return.

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Decision on the UCA Review Application of Fortis’s Rate 21

In proceeding 29010, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the application for a review of Decision 28576-D02-2024 put forward by the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA). The UCA took issue with the approved changes to Rate 21 of FortisAlberta Inc. (Fortis) after Fortis acquired the Tomahawk rural electrification association (REA) – the UCA believes the consequences of this acquisition would have been material to the decision if it had been known.

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