ATCO Electric Cost Errors Enforcement Proceeding – Settlement Agreement

In proceeding 29109, ATCO Electric and the Alberta Utilities Commission Enforcement Staff (Enforcement Staff) submit a settlement agreement to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) regarding two issues of misrepresented financials that ATCO Electric self-reported to Enforcement Staff; an additional error was also discovered in ATCO Electric’s revenue requirement during the subsequent investigation of the issues. The party’s have requested that the Commission accept the settlement of an administrative penalty of $3 million, a refund of $4 million to customers, and payment of Enforcement Staff’s external legal counsel related to this proceeding.[1]

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Decision on review of 2018-2022 Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) for ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric

In proceeding 28300, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) determined that it will reopen the 2018-2022 PBR term (PBR2) of ATCO Gas and ATCO electric (collectively referred to as ATCO). The Commission found specifically within the years of 2021 and 2022 the PBR plan did not operate as intended. This created rates that were not just and reasonable within those years for consumers along with rates of return achieved by ATCO that exceeded the approved amount. The Commission will therefore reopen PBR2 but will only focus on 2021 and 2022. [1]

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ATCO Electric Transmission 2023-2025 Tariff Application Arguments

In Proceeding 27062, ATCO Electric Transmission (ATCO) submit its 2023-2025 general tariff application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for approval. In December 2022, all parties agreed to a negotiated settlement, which the Commission approved in January 2023. However, the settlement excluded the three following matters:

  • A depreciation adjustment related to the Jasper Palisades Isolated Generation Plant.
  • Modification to the variable pay program.
  • Vegetation management reserve removal.

The intervening parties submit their oral arguments that address these three remaining issues.

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