Rate of Last Resort Energy Price Setting Plans

The rate of last resort (RoLR) providers (Direct Energy, ENMAX Energy Corporation, and EPCOR Energy) have reached a negotiated settlement with the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) for the 2025 Energy Price Setting Plan in proceeding 29204. 

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ENMAX General Tariff Application 2026-2028

In Proceeding 29255, Enmax Power Corporation (EPC or ENMAX) is applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the AUC or Commission) for approval of its Transmission General Tariff Application (GTA) for 2026-2028. EPC’s forecast revenue requirements for the Test Period are $181.9 million for 2026, $195.4 million for 2027, and $208.3 million for 2028.

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Reconsideration of DFO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy

In proceeding 29006 on the AESO Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy (CIAC), an Agreed Statement of Facts and Law has been prepared and agreed to by the parties. The purpose is to assist in identifying the issues that will be considered within the proceeding.

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ENMAX Terms and Conditions Amendment Application

In proceeding 29065 ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX) proposes revisions to its Distribution Tariff Customer Terms and Conditions, Distribution Tariff Retailer Terms and conditions, and Distribution Tariff Terms and Conditions Fee Schedule (together, T&C). The revisions proposed are to ENMAX’s current T&C that were approved in Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) in Decision 28575-D02-2024.

ENMAX is requesting amendments to the following areas of their T&C’s:

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Decision (27388-D01-2023) on Enmax R&V Application of the PBR3 K-bar Mechanism

In proceeding 28574, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) denies the application by ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX) to review and vary AUC decision 27388-D01-2023. The Commission deduced that ENMAX did not prove on a balance of probabilities that the decision contained an error of fact, or mixed fact and law.[1]

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ENMAX’s R&V Application of the PBR3 K-bar Mechanism

In proceeding 28574, ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX) applies for a review and variance of the K-bar mechanism approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for the third generation of performance-based regulation (PBR3). ENAMX asserts that the Commission erred in believing that the K-bar would provide ENMAX with sufficient funding and seeks the Commission to grant a review of the PBR3 K-bar. ENMAX’s case is grounded in its concern that the approved K-bar does not meet ENMAX’s needs to fund the replacement of its aging assets or to respond to the growing need to modernize the grid. Furthermore, ENMAX states that the current K-bar will force the utility to choose which benefits its customers will forgo and that it may have to put off investment into reliability drivers, externally driven projects, and grid modernization to prioritize safety on its network.[1]

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The PBR3 Parameters

In Proceeding 27388, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) sets the parameters of the third term of performance-based regulation (PBR3) in Alberta, which w ill be applied to the four following electric distribution utilities: ATCO Electric Ltd., FortisAlberta Inc. (Fortis), ENMAX Power Corporation, and EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (EPCOR); and the following two natural gas distribution utilities, ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. and Apex Utilities Inc. In sum, PBR3 builds upon PBR2 but makes some key changes in how benefits and efficiencies are respectively provided and quantified going forward with the addition of an efficiency sharing mechanism and the removal of the efficiency carryover mechanism.

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Principles of Maximum Investment Levels (MILs) Decision

In proceeding 27658, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision on whether it remains reasonable for electric distribution utilities to invest in new residential customer connections up to a prescribed maximum investment level (MIL). Additionally, the Commission issues its decision on whether MILs related to street lighting installed in developments should be paid to the municipality within which the development was constructed or to the developer. Ultimately the Commission concludes the continuation of MILs, albeit under four new governing principles, and it decides that MILs should be paid to the municipalities in which a new development is constructed.[1]

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Decision on ENMAX’s 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application

In proceeding 27581, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application of ENMAX Energy Corporation (ENAMX) in which ENMAX entered a negotiated settlement with interveners. The Commission notes that this decision was originally supposed to have been released in July of 2023, but was delayed after it was learned that ENMAX was being investigated by Commission Enforcement staff regarding the year-end capitalization of certain distribution and transmission projects. The investigation is ongoing, but the Commission understands that the investigation results are unlikely to have a material impact on this decision.[1]

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Information Requests in the Residential Standards and Maximum Investment Levels (MILs) Proceeding

In Proceeding 27658, intervenors submit their information requests that address several topics in the standards of service and maximum investment levels (MILs) for residential services proceeding. These information requests fall in line with one or several topics included in the February 2023 issues list. Parties addressed information requests to the following intervenors: the distribution facility owners (DFOs) (ATCO Electric Ltd., ENMAX Power Corporation, EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc., FortisAlberta Inc.), the Developers (Anthem Properties, BILD Alberta, Melcor Developments Ltd.), the Municipalities (Alberta Municipalities, City of Airdrie), the Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations (AFREA), and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA).

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