ENMAX General Tariff Application 2026-2028

In Proceeding 29255, Enmax Power Corporation (EPC or ENMAX) is applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the AUC or Commission) for approval of its Transmission General Tariff Application (GTA) for 2026-2028. EPC’s forecast revenue requirements for the Test Period are $181.9 million for 2026, $195.4 million for 2027, and $208.3 million for 2028.

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AltaLink’s Destroyed Assets Treatment Decision

In proceeding 28750, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) recover repair, replacement, and salvage expenses related to its transmission facilities that were destroyed in the 2023 spring wildfire and snow events that occurred after AltaLink filed its 2024-2025 general tariff application (GTA). AltaLink made a request to capitalize $18.5 million spent on repairing and replacing damaged assets and destroyed assets and to include $6.2 million in salvage expenditures in its GTA.[1]

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AltaLink Application Regarding Destroyed Assets

In proceeding 28750, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) applies to recover its expenditures incurred to repair, replace, and salvage its transmission facilities that were damaged or destroyed in the 2023 Spring wildfire and snow events. AltaLink calculates that the total expenditure is $24.7 million, which it requests to be included in its 2024 opening rate base and net salvage reserve where applicable. AltaLink is filing this application now because it only recently finished determining the total scope of repair and expenditures and the 2023 Spring wildfire and snow events occurred after AltaLink filed its 2024-2025 GTA which is currently being considered in proceeding 28174.[1]

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Decision on ENMAX’s 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application

In proceeding 27581, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application of ENMAX Energy Corporation (ENAMX) in which ENMAX entered a negotiated settlement with interveners. The Commission notes that this decision was originally supposed to have been released in July of 2023, but was delayed after it was learned that ENMAX was being investigated by Commission Enforcement staff regarding the year-end capitalization of certain distribution and transmission projects. The investigation is ongoing, but the Commission understands that the investigation results are unlikely to have a material impact on this decision.[1]

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TransAlta’s 2022-2023 GTA Decision

In proceeding 27964, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision on the 2022-2023 general tariff application of TransAlta Corporation (TransAlta). TransAlta requested a $9.0 million revenue requirement for 2022 and $9.4 million for 2023. The three main contentions in this proceeding centered around TransAlta’s non-union salary escalation rates, its operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement with AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink), and its First Nations Advisory Committee costs.[1]

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AltaLink’s 2024-2025 General Tariff Application

In Proceeding 28174, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) submits to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) its 2024-2025 general tariff application along with the applications of KainaiLink, L.P. (KainaiLink) and PiikaniLink, L.P. (PiikaniLink) for review. Overall, AltaLink seeks to maintain its transmission tariffs at its 2018 levels and to correct accounting errors discovered since its previous application.[1]

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ATCO Electric’s 2023-2025 General Tariff Application Decision

In Proceeding 27062, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) decides on the 2023-2025 General Tariff Application of ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO). The Commission allowed ATCO and interveners to enter a negotiated settlement process on all matters except for the Vegetation Management reserve removal and modifications to ATCO’s Variable Pay Program reserve. Parties were also unable to agree on the treatment of the $7.5 million undepreciated balance for ATCO’s Jasper Palisades isolated generation plant. Therefore, the Commission dealt with these three issues separately from the negotiated settlement.[1]

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EPCOR’s 2023-2025 General Tariff Application Decision

In proceeding 27675, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the 2023-2025 general tariff application (GTA) of EPCOR Transmission & Distribution Inc. (EPCOR). Rather than proceed through an argument process, EPCOR negotiated a settlement with the Consumer’s Coalition of Alberta (CCA) and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA). After review, the Commission approves EPCOR’s 2023-2025 GTA, which includes the negotiated settlement reduction of $10.81 million, the withdrawal of EPCOR’s request for a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) cost deferral account, and compliance with Commission decisions.

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ATCO Electric Transmission 2023-2025 Tariff Application Arguments

In Proceeding 27062, ATCO Electric Transmission (ATCO) submit its 2023-2025 general tariff application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for approval. In December 2022, all parties agreed to a negotiated settlement, which the Commission approved in January 2023. However, the settlement excluded the three following matters:

  • A depreciation adjustment related to the Jasper Palisades Isolated Generation Plant.
  • Modification to the variable pay program.
  • Vegetation management reserve removal.

The intervening parties submit their oral arguments that address these three remaining issues.

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TransAlta’s 2022-2023 General Tariff Transmission Application

In proceeding 27964, TransAlta Corporation requests approval of a $9.0 million revenue requirement for 2022 and $9.4 million for 2023, along with a one-time payment from the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) of $846,000 to reconcile approved interim rates. This revenue requirement includes TransAlta’s transmission facility owner rates applicable to the AESO’s use of TransAlta’s transmission facilities over the test period and TransAlta’s costs associated with the Operations and Maintenance Agreement between AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) and TransAlta.[1]

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