The AUC’s decision regarding Solartility’s Micro-Generation Application

In proceeding 27161, the Alberta Utilities Commission reached its conclusion regarding Solartility Inc.’s (Solartility) micro-generator customers’ requests for approval against ENMAX Power Corporation (EPC).

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The Commission’s Decision on the AESO’s AMP Implementation Plan

In Proceeding 27047, the Alberta Utilities Commission (“the Commission”) issues its decision regarding the adjusted metering practice (“AMP”) implementation plan that was proposed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”).

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Capital Power’s Strathmore Project Underbuild Cost Argument

In Proceeding 26510, Capital Power Corporation (Capital Power) argues before the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) why FortisAlberta Inc.’s (Fortis) additional charges to Capital Power associated to the interconnection of the Strathmore Solar Project (the Strathmore Project) are unjustified.

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Technical Sessions on Participant-Related Costs for DFOs and DFO Cost Flow-Through

The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) held multiple technical sessions regarding participant-related costs for distribution facility operators (DFOs) – or the substation fraction – and DFO cost flow-through with the ultimate objective of filing a joint proposal with stakeholders to the Commission pursuant to the AESO 2018 Independent System Operator (ISO) Tariff Compliance Filing in Proceeding 25175.

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AESO 2018 Tariff: Changes affecting Distributed Connected Generators

On September 22, 2019, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission), in Decision 22942-D02-2019, gave its ruling on the 2018 Independent System Operator Tariff application. This decision included approval for the adjusted metering practice proposed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), as well as changes to the substation fraction allocation method. These two changes are particularly significant to distributed connected generators (DCGs).

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