In Proceeding 27682, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the terms and conditions (T&Cs) of FortisAlberta Inc. (Fortis) that pertain to its streetlight investment. In December 2021, Fortis sought the Commission’s input to determine whether Fortis should pay its streetlight investment to the developer or the municipality if the parties cannot agree on who is entitled to the payment. In Decision 27067-D01-2022, the Commission directed that the streetlight investment be paid to the municipality if the developer and municipality are in dispute. The Commission further directed Fortis to clarify the streetlight investment entitlement in its T&Cs.[1]
Fortis made its compliance filing. However, the Commission found that Fortis only complied with one of the three directions. Nevertheless, the Commission does not require Fortis to submit another compliance filing because the Commission will hear issues concerning streetlight investment in Proceeding 27658.[2]
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