Decision on AltaLink’s 2019-2021 GTA

The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) released a decision (23848) on AltaLink Management Ltd.’s (AltaLink’s) 2019-2021 General Tariff Application (GTA) on April 16, 2020.

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Altalink’s 2019-2021 GTA and Negotiated Settlement Agreement

In July 2019, Altalink L.P. applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission in Proceeding 23848 for approval of a negotiated settlement agreement for Altalink’s 2019-2021 General Tariff Application. The agreement involved Altalink and four consumer advocate groups.

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AltaLink’s 2019-2021 GTA – Information Responses

AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) filed responses to the first round of information requests from interveners regarding its 2019-2021 General Tariff Application (GTA) in Proceeding 23848.

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