Rate of Last Resort Energy Price Setting Plans

The rate of last resort (RoLR) providers (Direct Energy, ENMAX Energy Corporation, and EPCOR Energy) have reached a negotiated settlement with the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) for the 2025 Energy Price Setting Plan in proceeding 29204. 

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Distribution Exemption Application

ATCO Electric and Sustaintech have submitted Evidence and IRs in the proceeding on Sustaintech’s application for distribution exemption (ID 27633).

Readers will recall from a previous update that Sustainitech and ARC enterprises (together, SACO) are applying for a distribution exemption under the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (HEEA) which would allow a gas processing plant to supply energy to an adjacent site without qualifying as a distribution system.

ATCO electric intervened in the proceeding raising concerns about the application’s compatibility with the Electric Utilities Act (EUA), specifically the requirement that persons using electricity obtain that service from the distribution company in whose service area they are located (Sec, 101)ATCO subsequently submitted intervener evidence and responded to information requests.

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The Commission’s Decision regarding the AESO’s Bulk and Regional Transmission Rate Design

In Proceeding 26911, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) issues its decision regarding the proposed regional and bulk transmission rate design of the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”). Alberta’s current regional and bulk transmission rate design recovers transmission costs through energy and coincident peak (“CP”) demand billing determinants. However, most intervenors agree that the associated CP charge overstates the cost of using the grid at peak times, allowing some customers to lower their bills by strategically reducing consumption. The AESO proposed a new rate design that lowers the influence of the CP charge and raises the energy charge to alleviate this issue.

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EPCOR’s 2023-2025 Transmission Facility Owner Tariff Application

In Proceeding 27675, EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EPCOR”) submits its 2023 to 2025 transmission facility owner tariff application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”). This application largely maintains the same methodologies and practices put forward in EPCOR’s previous application but notes several issues and how EPCOR plans to address them.

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Arguments in Direct Energy’s Energy Price Setting Plan Application

In Proceeding 27562, Direct Energy Regulated Services (“Direct Energy”) and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (“UCA”) present their arguments before the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) that address Direct Energy’s load forecasting methodology, seasonal multipliers, energy return margin (“ERM”), and the expiry date of its energy price setting plan (“EPSP”) application.

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The Commission’s Residential Standards of Service and MILs Proceeding

In Proceeding 27658, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) initiated a proceeding to address residential standards of service and maximum investment levels (“MILs”) for 2023 and 2024. This proceeding acts as the next step in the Commission’s review of standards of service for greenfield residential electric utility connections and associated MILs for 2023.[1]

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The Commission’s Decision on ATCO Electric’s Jasper Project Contraventions

In Proceeding 27013, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission) issues its decision regarding the allegations that Enforcement Staff of the Commission brought against ATCO Electric Ltd. (“ATCO Electric”) regarding ATCO Electric’s sole-sourcing a major contract at above fair market value and seeking cost recovery of the project.


In 2016, ATCO Electric’s non-regulated affiliate, ATCO Structures & Logistics Ltd. (“ATCO S&L”), entered an agreement with Simpcw Resources LLP. to provide Simpcw with electrical transmission and distribution project opportunities. The agreement included Simpcw’s provision of a Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project contract to ATCO S&L. Simpcw later expressed that they expected to be directly awarded ATCO Electric’s contract for matting, brushing, and hydrovac services for the Jasper Project.

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ENMAX’s 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application

In Proceeding 27581, ENMAX Power Corporation (“ENMAX”) submits its 2023-2025 Transmission General Tariff Application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) for review and approval. This application includes ENMAX’s requested revenue requirement for test years 2023-2025, its latest depreciation study, and a cost allocation study.


ENMAX owns and operates the electricity transmission and distribution system in and around The City of Calgary. Its transmission system consists of 335 kilometres of transmission lines and 40 substations across 1,089 square kilometres, primarily within Calgary’s municipal boundaries.[1]

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The Issues List for Setting PBR3 Parameters

In Proceeding 27388, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) issues its ruling on the issues list for determining the parameters of the third term of performance-based regulation (‘PBR3”).


In our previous article, we described how the Commission concluded that the first and second PBR terms had generally achieved their objectives and sought input on which parameters from the previous PBR terms should be included in PBR3.

The Commission received feedback from twelve participants who each submit a list of the potential issues they wanted to be addressed in this proceeding.

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The Commission’s Hydrogen Inquiry Report

In Proceeding 27256, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) publishes its final Hydrogen Inquiry Report that details its considerations and recommendations for hydrogen blending in Alberta.

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