Distribution Exemption Application

ATCO Electric and Sustaintech have submitted Evidence and IRs in the proceeding on Sustaintech’s application for distribution exemption (ID 27633).

Readers will recall from a previous update that Sustainitech and ARC enterprises (together, SACO) are applying for a distribution exemption under the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (HEEA) which would allow a gas processing plant to supply energy to an adjacent site without qualifying as a distribution system.

ATCO electric intervened in the proceeding raising concerns about the application’s compatibility with the Electric Utilities Act (EUA), specifically the requirement that persons using electricity obtain that service from the distribution company in whose service area they are located (Sec, 101)ATCO subsequently submitted intervener evidence and responded to information requests.

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Bill 22, the Electricity Statutes Amendment Act, Passes First Reading

The Alberta Legislature introduced Bill 22, the Electricity Statutes (Modernizing Alberta’s Electricity Grid) Amendment Act on April 27, 2022. The acceptance of this bill would make several amendments to the Alberta Utility Commission Act (“AUC Act”), the Electric Utilities Act (“EU Act”), and the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (“HEE Act”) to enable energy storage, encourage more self-supply with export, expand the responsibilities of the Minister of Energy (“the Minister”) and begin winding down the Balancing Pool by redistributing its responsibilities.[1]

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The AUC’s Position on Self-Supplying Assets

In February 2019, the Alberta Utilities Commission released a decision in Proceeding 23418 regarding EPCOR Water’s application to construct and operate a solar power plant to be used to supply an adjacent water treatment plant.

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Bill 13

On April 20, 2018 DOE hosted a webinar to share information on the recently passed Bill 13. The primary purpose of this bill is to amend five acts in order to enable the AUC, AESO And MSA to fulfill their roles in setting up the capacity market.

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