AUC Ruling on CCA Complaint against the AESO 

On July 23, 2018 the AUC issued a ruling on the CCA’s complaint against the AESO related to the first version of the comprehensive market design proposal for the capacity market.

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ISO Rule Proposal Process

The Electric Utilities Act (EUA) requires the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to establish a process for interested parties to propose new or modify existing Independent System Operator (ISO) rules. The AESO outlined plans for a process on October 18, 2018.

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AESO Capacity Market Design 2

On May 1, 2018 the AESO hosted a session to present on the Comprehensive Market Design version 2.0 (CMD 2).  As the design process goes on, more and more technical details are worked out; however, the overall design remains largely unchanged from previous iterations.

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CCA Complaint against the AESO 

The CCA has filed a complaint against the AESO relating to Capacity Market design decisions. While the complaint is presented as a list of concerns about specific design parameters the underlying complaint is that mass market consumers voices have been under-represented in the AESO’s design process.

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Bill 13

On April 20, 2018 DOE hosted a webinar to share information on the recently passed Bill 13. The primary purpose of this bill is to amend five acts in order to enable the AUC, AESO And MSA to fulfill their roles in setting up the capacity market.

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DOE Capacity Market Update

On March 15, 2018, the Department of Energy hosted an information session to update stakeholders on the government’s policy directions for the capacity market.

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Termination of the Keephills STS Agreements

On November 24, 2017, the AESO submitted an application with the AUC requesting legal determinations around Supply Transmission Service (STS) at the Keephills generating units 1 and 2.

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DOE Capacity Market Engagement Session (Cost Allocation)

On December 12, 2017 the Department of Energy hosted its final Capacity Market stakeholder consultation session. The topic of discussion for this consultation was cost allocation.

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DOE Capacity Market Engagement Session (Stakeholder Involvement)

On November 17, 2017 the DOE hosted a second stakeholder consultation session on overarching policy decisions that will guide the capacity market design. The first, on resource adequacy, took place on October 27, 2017 and the final session on cost allocation will take place sometime in mid-December. 

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