DOE Consultations on Self-Supply and Export

Recently, the Alberta Department of Energy hosted two workshops with stakeholders on self-supply and export. The background to these meetings was a report on self-supply and export, submitted to the DOE by the Commission in 2020. 

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DOE Capacity Market Engagement Session (Cost Allocation)

On December 12, 2017 the Department of Energy hosted its final Capacity Market stakeholder consultation session. The topic of discussion for this consultation was cost allocation.

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DOE Capacity Market Engagement Session (Resource Adequacy)

On October 27, 2017 the DOE hosted an Capacity Market Engagement Session on resource adequacy.  Essentially, the DOE is looking for feedback from stakeholders on the province’s tolerance to outages in order to develop an appropriate resource adequacy standard for the capacity market. Additionally, they are keen to do so quickly because the standard will drive the AESO’s determination of how much capacity to procure, an important input for market design.  

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Capacity Market Design Update

On September 7, 2017, the AESO hosted an information session on the latest iteration of capacity market design. The Straw Alberta Market, or SAM 2.0.

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Stakeholder Dispute Resolutions, a “Grassroots” Proposal

On June 17, 2015, the AESO and IPPSA jointly made a public presentation to discuss how industry might be able to better resolve potential disputes before they are brought to more formalized consultations or processes under the AESO, AUC, or MSA.

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MLA Retail Market Review

The Department of Energy continues to move towards implementing the 33 accepted recommendations of the MLA Retail Market Review Committee (RMRC) as per the action plan released on December 18, 2014.

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MLA Retail Market Review

Yesterday (December 19, 2014), the Department of Energy made available to the public a report by the MLA Retail Market Review Committee (RMRC) Implementation Team on enhancing the retail market for electricity in Alberta. The report was actually completed in June of 2014, but was withheld from the public until the government was able to review the recommendations and outline the implementation plan.

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