Bill 13

On April 20, 2018 DOE hosted a webinar to share information on the recently passed Bill 13. The primary purpose of this bill is to amend five acts in order to enable the AUC, AESO And MSA to fulfill their roles in setting up the capacity market.

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ATCO Electric Appeal to Recover Transmission Line Insurance Costs

The Alberta Court of Appeal has denied ATCO Electric leave to appeal the AUC’s decision regarding the inclusion of transmission line insurance costs in their rate application. ATCO Electric had included the cost of third party insurance in their 2015-2017 GTA application revenue requirement, but the Commission denied recovery of those costs. 

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UCA Appeal on FortisAlberta Land Sale

Alberta Court of Appeal Decision 2016 ABCA 333 deals with a request from the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) to appeal AUC Decision 20271-D01-2015, which approved a FortisAlberta land sale and its subsequent removal from rate base, and 20990-D01-2016, an R&V decision upholding the first decision.

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Utility Asset Disposition Appeal

The Alberta Utilities’ appeal of the Commission Utility Asset Disposition was dismissed by the Alberta Court of Appeal on September 18, 2015.

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