The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has held 6 sprint sessions as part of their multi-phase engagement with industry stakeholders on the new energy market design.
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The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has held 6 sprint sessions as part of their multi-phase engagement with industry stakeholders on the new energy market design.
The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) recently held a stakeholder session to provide an update on the restructured energy market plan and to inform stakeholders of its consultation plan going forward. Over 100 stakeholders from the industry attended the virtual session.
Back in March, the Alberta Minister of Affordability and Utilities (the Minister), requested the AESO to work with industry stakeholders to develop a restructured energy market plan. Since then, the AESO received further direction from the Minister to implement a day-ahead energy market, continue mitigating market power, maintain a uniform energy price, review the current price cap and floor, and to develop the remaining elements of the energy market plan.