Contributions in Aid of Construction Appeal

The Court of Appeal of Alberta (the Court) has issued its decision regarding the appeal of Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Decision 26061-D01-2021. The appeal was filed by AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink), ATCO Electric Ltd., ENMAX Power Corporation, and EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc.  The crux of this appeal is the Commission’s treatment of contributions in aid of construction. In Decision 26061-D01-2021, the Commission disallowed transmission and distribution facility owners (TFOs and DFOs) from earning a return on contributions in aid of construction, despite affirming that the current practice was in line with the legislative framework. The utilities could then only treat the contributions as expenses in the year of disbursement because of the decision. The four DFOs filed an appeal with the Alberta court.[1]

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EPCOR 2023-2025 TFO Tariff Application Evidence

In proceeding 27675, four intervenors on behalf of the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta (CCA) and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) submit evidence addressing the 2023-2025 Transmission Facility Owner (TFO) application of EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (EPCOR). The evidence focuses on several issues including operating and maintenance costs, deferral accounts, full-time equivalents (FTEs), and depreciation.

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