Feedback and Responses to the Commission’s Efficiency Initiatives

The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) is in the process of conducting its 2022 roundtable discussion with stakeholders in which the Commission seeks feedback on three efficiency initiatives that relate to its rate regulation mandate. The broad topics under discussion are, assertive case management, mediated and negotiated settlements, and the Commission’s performance metrics.[1] Twelve stakeholders provided written feedback in preparation for the live roundtable discussion that was held on March 10, 2022. This article summarizes the general responses of the stakeholders’ feedback.

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AUC Process Changes to Rate Proceedings from Bulletin 2020-33

In the interests of improving regulatory efficiency and as per the 2019-2022 strategic plan, the AUC established an independent expert committee known as the AUC Procedures and Processes Review Committee (the Committee) to make rate proceedings more efficient. The Committee released a report on August 14, 2020 which details specific recommendations focused on the hearing and pre-hearing processes, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the Commission and intervening parties.

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AUC Denies CCA’s Request for Extensions to Deadlines

The AUC released a letter in Proceeding 24375 (ATCO Electric Transmission Application for Disposal of 2015-2017 Transmission Deferral Accounts and Annual Filing for Adjustment Balances) directed towards the Consumer’s Coalition of Alberta (CCA) regarding more efficient regulatory practices.

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AET 2015 – 2017 Transmission Deferral Account Application

On March 25, 2019 ATCO Electric Transmission (AET) applied for disposal of its 2015-2017 transmission deferral account and annual filing for adjustment balances.[1]

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Bulletin 2020-25 Initiative Regarding Regulatory Efficiency

The AUC is implementing materiality thresholds for cost of service applications with the stated intention of improving efficiency and reducing regulatory burden.

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Bulletin 2020-17

The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) released Bulletin 2020-17 on May 8, 2020 announcing the creation of a panel to make recommendations on improving rate applications processes.

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AUC Initiatives and Approach to Reduce Regulatory Burden

The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) has indicated its intent to further improve regulatory efficiency and reduce regulatory burden as part of its efficiency agenda.[1] In a round-table with industry stakeholders (i.e. utilities, consumer advocates, government etc.) the Commission discussed current processes and initiatives and what future regulatory approaches should look like.

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