The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) released a decision on AltaLink Management Ltd.’s (AML’s) 2021-2023 Tariff Refund Application.
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The Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) released a decision on AltaLink Management Ltd.’s (AML’s) 2021-2023 Tariff Refund Application.
On May 10, 2016 the Alberta Utilities Commission posted Decision 3524-D01-2016 on AltaLink’s 2015-16 TFO GTA.
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Argument and reply argument have been submitted in the AltaLink GTA proceeding.
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Both AltaLink and ATCO Electric (AE) are in the midst of 2015-2016/17 tariff application proceedings. Having filed their initial applications towards the end of 2014, both utilities have recently submitted updates to their tariff applications. The proposed revisions are largely in response to changing economic conditions in Alberta.
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Intervener evidence has been submitted the AltaLink 2015-2016 TFO GTA proceeding.
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