AESO’s Bulk and Regional Rate Design and Modernized DOS Proposal, Oral Hearing

In Proceeding 26911 the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) and several intervenors cross-examine each other’s evidence for and against the various bulk and regional rate design proposals before the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Commission”).


Readers may remember our previous article describing the AESO’s rebuttal evidence for their bulk and regional rate design and modernized demand opportunity service application. The current rate design collects transmission costs through a mix of energy and peak demand billing determinants where a monthly coincident peak charge (“12-CP”) recovers two thirds of demand costs.

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ATCO & Fortis 2023 Cost-of-Service Review Arguments

Argument and reply argument have been submitted in AUC proceeding 26615 on ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO) and FortisAlberta (Fortis) cost rebasing in preparation for the next PBR term. ATCO and Fortis defended their proposals against the claims and concerns of consumer groups; Consumer Coalition of Alberta (CCA), Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) and The Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta (IPCAA).

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The Commission Decides the 2023 General Cost of Capital

In Alberta Utilities Commission (“the Commission”) proceeding 27084, the Commission issues its decision on the 2023 generic cost of capital (“GCOC”) after considering the perspectives of the utilities and customer groups who intervened in the proceeding.

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2023 Cost of Service Applications in Preparation for PBR’s Third Term in Alberta

In Alberta Utility Commission (AUC) proceedings 26615 and 26616, ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO Electric), ATCO Gas North (ATCO Gas), FortisAlberta Inc. (Fortis), and APEX Utilities Inc. (APEX) are in the process of submitting their 2023 Cost of Service (COS) applications to the AUC, which will realign their COS and revenue requirement for the anticipated third term of performance-based regulation (PBR).

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Requested Information for AltaLink’s 2022-2023 GTA

In Proceeding 26509, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) is applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) of the 2022-2023 General Tariff Agreement (GTA) for AltaLink, L.P. (ALP), PiikaniLink, L.P. (PLP), and KainaiLink, L.P. (KLP), as well as a Deferral Accounts Reconciliation Application for ALP. The Alberta Utilities Commission issued rulings on several motions put forward by the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta (CCA), the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA), and the Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta (IPCAA).

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2021 GCOC Options for the Utilities

In the 2021 Generic Cost of Capital (GCOC) proceeding (ID 24110), the Commission published a list of options for the Alberta Utilities to establish the path that each utility will take to determine their return on equity and equity thickness for 2021.

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Resumption of 2021 Generic Cost of Capital Proceeding

Proceeding 24110, the 2021 Generic Cost of Capital (GCOC) Proceeding, stalled in March due to the uncertainty and disruption caused by the COVID-19 virus. On April 23, 2020, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) opened a dialogue on the possibility of resuming the proceeding and requested submissions from participants in the proceeding.

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AESO 2018 Tariff – 12CP

On March 12, 2017, the AESO hosted a facilitated discussion on the 12-Coincident Peak (12CP) methodology. This issue was most recently raised during the AESO’s 2018 tariff application, and the AESO was directed to research and address the issue in advance of the tariff application moving forward. As part of meeting the Commission’s directive, the AESO asked interested parties to make presentations on the effectiveness of 12CP as well as potential alternatives.

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AltaLink 2017-2018 NSA Decision

In Decision 21341-D01-2017, the Alberta Utilities Commission approved the negotiated settlement agreement for AltaLink’s 2017-2018 GTA.  One of the more interesting aspects of the NSA decision is that the Commission applied a new rationale for determining the discount rate to be used when determining net present value.

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AESO Capacity Market Design Straw Proposal

On May 17, 2017, the AESO hosted a stakeholder session on Capacity Market Design.  In response to pressure from stakeholders, the AESO’s presentation included actual market design options.  

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