Direct Energy 2017-2018 RRT & DRT Application

In the 2017-2018 Default Rate Tariff (DRT) and Regulated Rate Tariff (RRT) application, Direct Energy Regulated Services (DERS) has applied for approval of DRT and RRT rates, all energy-related costs, and a   newly introduced “reasonable retail margin”. 

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Epcor Energy 2018-2020 RRO (Non-Energy)

On August 1st, Epcor Energy filed a 2018-2020 RRO tariff application for the non-energy portion of revenue requirement. This application has yet to be tested and will likely not be approved on a final basis for another year. Based on our brief review, the following issues may be contentious:

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Direct Energy 2012-2016 RRT R&V

On April 18, 2017, Direct Energy Regulated Services (DERS) filed an stage two R&V application related to a Commission direction that DERS pay interest on tariff true-up amounts.

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ENMAX 2014-2018 RRO Energy Price Setting Plan

On January 30, 2017, the AUC issued decision 20448-D01-2017 on EMNAX Energy Corporation’s 2014-2018 RRO Energy Price Setting Plan (EPSP). The decision approved major parts of the proposed plan, but still requires ENMAX to submit a compliance filing.

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RRO Regulation & Policy  

In a letter to the Commission dated November 25, 2016, ENMAX Energy indicated that the Government of Alberta is considering changes to the RRO regulation.

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EPCOR Energy’s 2016-2017 RRT Application

On August 11, 2016 the AUC informed participants in EPCOR Energy’s 2016-2017 regulated rate tariff application proceeding that it had inadvertently relied on the assistance of a visiting scholar who had previously provided evidence on behalf of EPCOR in the same proceeding.  

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MSA 2016 Retail Market Reports

On September 6th, the Market Surveillance Administrator released two “Retail Market Reports” titled Assessment of Inter-jurisdictional Retail Rate Comparisons and Trends in Regulated Retail Electricity and Natural Gas Bills.

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Direct Energy 2014-2018 RRT Energy Price Setting Plan

On May 16, 2016 the Alberta Court of Appeal denied Direct Energy’s application for permission to appeal the AUC’s decision on Direct Energy’s 2014-2018 Energy Price Setting Plan (EPSP).

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