The AESO’s Adjusted Metering Practice Implementation Plan

In Alberta Utility Commission (AUC) proceeding 27047, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) submits its Adjusted Metering Practice (AMP) implementation plan for approval. This application additionally requests approval to amend the Independent System Operator (ISO) Tariff and the ISO Rules to align with AMP; and summarizes the cost treatment of implementing AMP.

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AESO 2018 Tariff: Changes affecting Distributed Connected Generators

On September 22, 2019, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission), in Decision 22942-D02-2019, gave its ruling on the 2018 Independent System Operator Tariff application. This decision included approval for the adjusted metering practice proposed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), as well as changes to the substation fraction allocation method. These two changes are particularly significant to distributed connected generators (DCGs).

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AESO 2018 ISO Tariff Application

The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) directed the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to suspend the application of Information Document 2018-019T (ID) regarding the determination of Rate STS (supply transmission services), Rate DTS (demand transmission services), and metering levels for distribution system connected generation. The Commission determined that the ID should be tested in the AESO 2018 Independent System Operator (ISO) tariff application proceeding (22942) before requiring parties to implement the change.

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