HAWSCO General Water Rate Application Decision

In proceeding 28445, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision and findings regarding the 2024-2025 general rate application of Harmony Advanced Water Systems Corporation (HAWSCO).  HAWSCO provides water services to the Harmony community in Rocky View County on the western border of Calgary.

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AltaLink 2024-2025 NSA Application

In proceeding 28174, AltaLink Management Inc. (AltaLink) applies to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for the approval of a negotiated settlement agreement (NSA). The NSA was made between AltaLink, the Alberta Direct Connect Customers, the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta (CCA), the Alberta Federation of REA’s Ltd. (AFREA), the Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta (IPCAA), and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA).

The Commission permitted a negotiated settlement process on all but the following two matters:[1]

  • AltaLink’s proposed wildfire deferral account.
  • AltaLink’s request to recover $11 million in returns incurred over the 2022-2023 period that apply to 2019-2021 actual salvage expenditures.

Additionally, parties involved in the negotiated settlement agreed to exclude three additional matters that are closley related to the two excluded by the Commission:[2]

  • AltaLink’s 2024-2025 forecast salvage expenditures.
  • AltaLink’s 2019-2023 actual salvage expenditures.
  • AltaLink’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan business cases.

The NSA also did not result in any changes to AltaLink’s terms and conditions.[3]

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Review and Variance Application of ATCO Gas PBR3 Base Revenue

In Proceeding 28244, The City of Calgary (Calgary) submits to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) a review and variance application of Decision 26616-D01-2023 which establishes the 2023 revenue requirement of ATCO Gas Distribution (ATCO). Calgary argues that ATCO’s 2022 14 percent return on equity triggers a re-calculation of ATCO’s rate base going into the third term of performance-based regulation (PBR3) which had excluded data from years 2021 and 2022.[1]

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AltaLink’s 2024-2025 General Tariff Application

In Proceeding 28174, AltaLink Management Ltd. (AltaLink) submits to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) its 2024-2025 general tariff application along with the applications of KainaiLink, L.P. (KainaiLink) and PiikaniLink, L.P. (PiikaniLink) for review. Overall, AltaLink seeks to maintain its transmission tariffs at its 2018 levels and to correct accounting errors discovered since its previous application.[1]

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ATCO Electric’s 2023-2025 General Tariff Application Decision

In Proceeding 27062, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) decides on the 2023-2025 General Tariff Application of ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO). The Commission allowed ATCO and interveners to enter a negotiated settlement process on all matters except for the Vegetation Management reserve removal and modifications to ATCO’s Variable Pay Program reserve. Parties were also unable to agree on the treatment of the $7.5 million undepreciated balance for ATCO’s Jasper Palisades isolated generation plant. Therefore, the Commission dealt with these three issues separately from the negotiated settlement.[1]

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EPCOR’s 2023-2025 General Tariff Application Decision

In proceeding 27675, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the 2023-2025 general tariff application (GTA) of EPCOR Transmission & Distribution Inc. (EPCOR). Rather than proceed through an argument process, EPCOR negotiated a settlement with the Consumer’s Coalition of Alberta (CCA) and the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA). After review, the Commission approves EPCOR’s 2023-2025 GTA, which includes the negotiated settlement reduction of $10.81 million, the withdrawal of EPCOR’s request for a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) cost deferral account, and compliance with Commission decisions.

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ATCO Electric Transmission’s Negotiated Settlement Agreement for its 2023-2025 General Tariff Application

In proceeding 27062, ATCO Electric Transmission (ATCO) submit its 2023-2025 general tariff application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for approval. In August 2022, the Commission approved ATCO and the Interveners to enter a negotiated settlement process, and the parties engaged in settlement negotiations starting December 12. By December 20, all parties agreed in principle to a negotiated settlement. ATCO now requests that the Commission approve the settlement agreement and the resulting adjustments.[1]

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Decisions on ATCO and FortisAlberta’s 2023 Revenue Requirements and Rates

In Proceedings 27671 and 27672, the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) issues its decision regarding the 2023 revenue requirements and proposed rates of ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO) and FortisAlberta Inc. (FortisAlberta). For ATCO and FortisAlberta, this concludes the rebasing cost-of-service review in preparation for the third term of performance-based regulation (PBR).

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Commission Decisions on Apex’s, ATCO’s, ENMAX’s, and EPCOR’s Cost-of-Service and Distribution Rate Compliance Filings going into PBR3

In Proceedings 27651, 27653, 27684, and 27685, Apex Utilities Inc. (Apex), ATCO Gas (ATCO), ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX), and EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (EPCOR) submit their revenue requirement and distribution rates compliance filings to the Alberta Utilities Commission (the Commission) for approval going into the third term of performance-based regulation (PBR3). The approval of these compliance filings concludes each applicant’s PBR rebasing.[1]

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Evidence regarding ATCO Electric’s Transmission 2023-2025 General Tariff Application

In Proceeding 27062, ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO) asks the Commission to approve their revenue requirement of $677.1 million in 2023, $687.8 million in 2024 and $698.6 million in 2025. ATCO notes that the 2023 requirement is lower than their 2022 forecast because they are proposing to stop collecting Future Income Tax (FIT) expenses, their property taxes are lower, and there are fewer head office costs. After completing a round of information requests, intervenors submitted evidence detailing their concerns regarding the application.[1]

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